Say hello to the Love Cottages contributors

We love blogging about cottage holidays and tourism in Britain, sharing our experiences and ideas with you. But you don’t just want to take our word for it. So we’re expanding our team of bloggers to bring you the broadest range of ideas and perspectives.

With a very warm Love Cottages welcome, allow us to introduce two of our blog contributors: Anne Coates and Kate Limburn.

Anne created and edits Parenting Without Tears. It’s a blog for the parents of today. Whatever the age of your child or children and however many of them you have, you’ll likely find some insight there. As a mother and grandmother, Anne has long known that children aren’t born with a manual and that no baby book is suited to every baby born. So she’s created articles based on her experiences and learnings, and even invites topic requests from parents looking for a fresh perspective on the challenges of raising children.

Anne is also a published author. In fact, she’s written seven non-fiction titles for parents with children of all ages and dispositions. For those of you handling hormone riddled teens: The Parenting Without Tears Guide to Living With Teenagers. For those of you looking to stay sane while successfully instilling rules and morals: The Parenting Without Tears Guide to Loving Discipline

And for those of you wondering when you’ll find time to read a book amidst the family chaos, you’ll be delighted to know that both of these Endeavour Press publications are available as ebooks. So whether it’s five minutes with a hot cuppa or when you’re lucky enough to find a seat on the bus or train, you just have to reach for your phone to pick up some tips and tricks.

Kate is the adventurous mummy behind Baby Routes. It’s a blog for lovers of the great outdoors who have a mini entourage in tow. Kate encourages keen and novice ramblers to endeavour outdoors despite and because of their young children. As the mother of a toddler and a pre-schooler, her walking and hiking adventures continue with just a bit more planning, a spot more kit, and with everyone geared up for all conditions. Fear not, this isn’t Bear Grylls meets motherhood. Kate simply loves exploring our beautiful and varied rural landscapes, and raising her children to savour their beauty and opportunities too.

In Kate’s posts you’ll discover ideas for family friendly walks, exploring the countryside around your chosen holiday destination and how to kit out a family, without breaking the bank or ending up with soggy socks.

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